Urggh... Monday blues... I'm sure everybody dreads getting up of bed this morning right? As for me, I woke up thinking what to cook for breakfast for my kids.. coco crunch (lazy food, good for 'terbangun lambat' days) or pancakes (not so difficult also - the instant kind). I decided to save the coco crunch for some other lazy days. So we had pancakes this morning with maple syrup, given by my hub's cousin from canada. Nyum..nyum..
So we went to ikea on saturday. No good bargains. The lights there were not that great. Then we found another light shop near our place - the selection was okay. May need to go back there to choose. We went there with the kids the first time. And i tell you.. shopping lights with the kids is a BIG NO NO. They were running all over the floor like monkeys. The shopkeeper told me in the first few minutes we arrived that the kids were the most well-mannered kids she ever seen. I told her - don't judge too soon, give them a few more minutes ... there you go...
So back to LIGHT talk.. we still haven't bought anything yet.. but there are a few potentials. I like something as in the picture for above my kitchen island. This image was from the net - made from reclaimed jugs or something. Great huh?? Love..love.. love.. I'm hoping to find something with clear glass shade with very visible bulbs.. fantastique!! I checked on the internet.. to make something like that can be tricky as i need to know how to cut the glass.. I said to myself - forget it.. I couldn't even cut a cloth properly.. (judging from my disastrous experience repairing my son's ready-made baju melayu in the last raya - poor boy, he had to go around 'salam' people with shorter sleeves)...takpe yang penting poket penuh..kannn....
ok talk to u later...